The Argent Accumulator must be removed from the cyberdemon’s body to keep it from rising again. When the beast experiences death, the Accumulator automatically replenishes the demon’s life force, and it rises and returns to battle anew. Perhaps the most fear-inducing feature of these unnatural beings is that they are energized by an implanted Argent Accumulator. These demons can use their claws or bite enemies, but they prefer to wield the giant rocket-launcher systems mounted on their arms to blow away any human unfortunate enough to linger in their sights. Combining sorceries ungodly and technologies free from morality, servants of evil cybernetically enhanced the Baalgar and made it more fearsome than it had been in many millennia. They were created using a species of huge, ancient demons known as the Baalgar. They are tough as nails and will require impressive damage to put down, so do not hesitate once you sight one!įew terms can inspire as much dread as “cyberdemon”-the few reports of battling one of these beasts prove they are quite worthy of such dread. Now packing Multiple-Launch Rocket Batteries, the revenant targets its enemies at long distance and opens fire immediately. After death, the former humans were transformed using a variety of human technologies and hell-born sorceries. In life, the revenant was a UAC military agent, already trained in combat tactics and prone to fight until either victorious or destroyed. It is highly advisable to continue attacking a spectre once it has been detected, for if you shift your attention, they will use the opportunity to slip away just long enough to return again with the element of surprise renewed. They have the same attack methods and strength as their cousins as well as their weaknesses, but you probably won’t see them coming until they smash you down, tear your flesh off with their claws and taking a healthy bite out of your face.

Spectres look just like the pinky…when you can see them! Spectres have the ability to render themselves almost completely invisible, making them even more formidable than the pinkies.

That’s right, you have seen this ugly bastard before-the spectre is cousin to the pinky demon.