All items are produced at a town or city, with the exception of weapons, armour, and ammunition which can all only be bought, plundered, or sometimes crafted. The game contains 3 categories of items in regards to trading. In future updates I would like to add more details on caravans, workshops, fiefs, and how resources play into the prosperity and success of different regions and factions. It is based on my observation from trading different goods around Calradia and creating a large horde of wealth early game. This is my first guide, and is by no means extensively tested or perfect. It will also go into how to use this to trade using your party, with a focus on early to mid game, and the implications this has on building workshops and caravans.

This guide will present an overview of resource flow in Mount and Blade Bannerlord 2 as of early access release. Better understanding these in Bannerlord will help you become the next Musa of Mali. Supply and Demand are the tools of the Merchant King.